White Paper by Pamela Angelica Pacheco Tellez, Marketing Manager with Siemens AG
The vision of a self-controlling, self-optimizing, self-organizing factory has now become a fixed part of the industrial and automation worlds. Networked, intelligent systems, which control processes autonomously, are technically no longer dreams of the future. But even in the details, Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are opening up new applications for optimizing processes. However, this requires machines and systems to be easily integrated into a common data environment.
One application that requires such integration is data-based Condition Monitoring, which allows maintenance activities to be matched to actual needs and better scheduled. The networking of data also facilitates new approaches to process optimization, such as optimizing of energy efficiency. The machines or plant sections have often already been energetically optimized. An overall view of all energy data combined with intelligent networking of the entire operation opens up further potential for recognizing and using energy intelligently. For example by intelligent load management or chaining processes with complementary energy requirements. However, modern production facilities are not yet self-organizing, but they can be organized flexibly and controlled by new, modular line concepts, in which production stages can be combined in many different ways.
To read the rest of the white paper on the SIMATIC S7-1200, click here.

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